
Paula Wellmann was born in 1986. Lives and works in Berlin. She is a stage and costume designer and works in theaters across Europe. In addition to her work at the theater, she is a painter.


„Die Deutsche Bühne“ Best Selection in the category "stage design / costume / theatrical spatial situation", the August 2020 issue.   
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Thalia Theater Hamburg, DIE ORESTIE, invited to the Wienerfestwochen 2018.

Participation in the stage and costume design for DIE VERNICHTUNG at the Bern Concert Theater, invited to the Theatertreffen Berlin 2017.

Stage design SCHNEE, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Bonacker price 2017. Laudatio von Matthias Günther  ︎ Link

Stage and costume design in collaboration with Ersan Mondtag, TYRANNIS, Staatstheater Kassel, invited to the Theatertreffen Berlin 2016.